Hi! I know it's been a while, huh? I'm off from work this week, which is in turn, throwing my entire schedule off as well. I always try to jam as many fun things into one week as is humanly possible, which always ends up backfiring and leaving the boys and I crazier than usual, and exhausted. Sheesh, I'm totally gonna need a vacation from this vacation!
While I have been
2. Pilates! Yes! I've done it 2 and a half times since my last post (the "half" comes in to play because there's a lot of pilates-type stuff the class I teach). I went to a class on my own will the other night, and then got to teach a class last night. It was my first time in this particular gym, and it ended up being a great time. I'm not sure if the best part was that I got to teach on a stage, or that I wore a sequin headband. But those are just minor details. Hooray for working the core for an hour straight!
3. Zumba! I love it. True story. I've moved up to the front of the class. That's probably a really embarrassing thing to admit, but I don't really care. I'm sick of standing behind people who are either off beat, moving in the wrong direction, or both. So now people get to stand behind me. HA!
4. Making moves! I can't really elaborate on this one yet, but suffice it to say that I've been doing a lot of thinking about what's coming next in this game of Life. I think I'm coming to some agreements with myself, and I like where my thoughts are taking me. I have no idea whether or not any of these thoughts will come to fruition, but whatever happens will surely be healthy for the mind and soul.
What healthy things have you been doing? I'd love to hear. C'mon- inspire me!
Have a healthy day,
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